Dr Dora von Conrady

Dr Dora von Conrady

Dr Dora von Conrady


Dr Dora von Conrady is an Accredited Skin Cancer Doctor with the Skin Cancer College Australasia. This means that she has successfully completed a high level of training with the College and has proven skills in the diagnosis, treatment and management of skin cancer. Dora is a fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) and a member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland (MRCSI).

Dora runs a skin cancer clinic at Ochre Huonville and has been serving the needs of the community there for over 10 years. Her passion is to provide a top level skin service to the valley and surrounds and enjoys undertaking more complex skin surgery providing her patients with local and affordable care. She works closely with her GP colleagues and receives referrals from Huonville, Cygnet, Bruny Island and Dover. Dora continues to engage and train with the Skin Cancer College and contributes to regular audits and continued professional development. She is also regularly involved in the teaching of GP registrars and medical students.

Aside from skin cancer detection and its management, she runs a vasectomy clinic and also inserts IUDs. While Dr Dora does practice General Practice, due to her commitments listed above, her books are closed to new GP patients.

In her spare time, Dora enjoys spending time with her young family, trail running, mountain biking and occasionally visiting family overseas.

In determining whether a full skin check is indicated, we recommend reviewing this link from the Skin Cancer College of Australasia and completing a brief questionnaire which can guide you as to whether you should have a skin check.https://www.scanyourskin.org/

If you have a new or changing skin lesion that is causing you concern, please call and ask for an urgent appointment with any of our GP’s to allow for a thorough assessment.

Skin Cancer Medicine and Surgery qualifications
SCCA Advanced Clinical Certificate of Dermoscopy (with distinction) 2024
SCCA Advanced Clinical Certificate of Skin Cancer Medicine and Surgery 2023
SCCA Advanced Skin Surgery Workshop, Sydney 2023
Skin Cancer Surgery Masterclass 2023
Professional Diploma of Skin Cancer Surgery 2023
Diagnosis/Dermoscopy Masterclass 2017
Professional Certificate of Dermoscopy 2016
Advanced Surgical Workshop (Head and Neck surgery) 2014

Vasectomy service

Dr Conrady offers a specialised vasectomy service from the practice with nursing assistance. Fees for this service are:

Initial consultation: $130.10 (rebate $80.10)

Procedure: $665.10 (rebate: $215.10)

Post operative check-up: bulk-billed


Skin Checks

DermEngine machine to use the most recent technology for our patients skin checks.

Private fee: $167.90 (Rebate: $82.90) (Out of pocket: $85.00)

Discounted private fee: $150.00 (Rebate: $82.90) (Out of pocket: $67.10)


Specialty interest areas

  • Skin cancer medicine
  • Dermoscopy
  • Vasectomies
  • Women’s health

Languages spoken

  • English

Practices at

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