Dr Sama Shrestha

Dr Sama Shrestha

Dr Sama Shrestha


Dr Sama Shrestha is a trusted, patient focused and experienced GP. She has a strong interest in women’s and children’s health and has worked for over six years as a general practitioner in Bathurst and Goulburn and with the National Home Doctor Service in Canberra since 2016.

Dr Shrestha studied medicine in Chittagong, Bangladesh, before working in Nepal for two years and emigrating to Australia in 2002. After completing her AMC exam, Dr Shrestha worked in Orange Base Hospital for almost five years. Whilst there, she gained broad experience across a range of specialties, especially in emergency, ICU, obstetrics and paediatrics. She also did locum work at Calvary Hospital, Canberra in the O&G and HITH departments.

Dr Shrestha enjoys music, travelling and spending time with her family.

Specialty interest areas

  • Women’s health
  • Children’s health
  • Mental health

Available for appointments

Available Tuesdays to Fridays.

Languages spoken

  • English

Practices at

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