Ochre Medical Centre Clunes

Dr Joshua Saunders


Dr Saunders grew up in country Victoria and is excited to be a part of the team at Creswick & Clunes Medical Centres...

Dr Jacob Wilson


Born in Tasmania, Dr Wilson moved to Ballarat in 2012 after graduating from medical school. He worked in emergency medi...

Dr Camilla Sleeth

MBBS, BBiomedSc

Dr Sleeth completed her medical degree at Deakin University in 2014. She completed her studies at the Warrnambool Clin...

Ochre Medical Centre Clunes

Ochre Medical Centres are high quality general practices with a range of experienced, independent male and female GPs available.

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Working with Ochre Clunes

At Ochre Health, we support the independent GPs at our practices to improve local healthcare while enjoying a healthy work-life balance. And we support you by investing heavily in developing and supporting our Practice Managers and their teams, systems and technology.