
Dr Sarah Ahmad

M.D (physician), DRANZCOG (Adv)

Dr Sarah Ahmad moved to Australia in 2018 with her family. She initially worked in a couple of public hospitals in Sydne...

Dr Andrew Choo


Dr Andrew Choo graduated from the University of Newcastle in 2011. He spent his first 2 years with the Western Sydney Lo...

Dr Despot completed his medical studies at the University of Queensland, graduating in 1987. When not working in King...

Dr. McWann is a dynamic healthcare professional with a wealth of international and Australian experience, offering a uni...

Dr Desiree Tee


Dr Desiree grew up in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. She graduated from the University of Newcastle, NSW with a Bachelor of Medi...

Dr Damian Webb

MBBS (Hons), FRACGP, FARGP, GCertMedEd, BBioMedSci

Dr Webb graduated from the University of Queensland in 2004. He worked for three years in Miles as the Principal Doctor ...

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