Occupational therapy

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Occupational therapy

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Kaely Jol

Kaely Jol

BEd(ECh)(Prim), GradCertInclusiveEd, MOccTherapy

Kaely is an occupational therapist with a comprehensive educational background that includes a Bachelor of Early Childhood and Primary Teaching, a Postgraduate Certificate in Inclusive Education, and a Master’s in Occupational Therapy. She specialises in providing intervention services to paediatric and young adult clients.

Passionate about working with neurodiverse children and adults, Kaely has particular interests in mental health, school-based skills: handwriting, and executive functioning support. Her approach is informed by her professional knowledge and her personal experience as a mother of three.

To support families in Canberra, Yass, and the surrounding areas, Kaely established Axolotl Occupational Therapy. The practice offers a wide range of services, including individualised comprehensive assessments, regular in-clinic interventions, and mobile services such as home and school-based interventions. She also provides observation and consultation with classroom teachers, and can complete NDIS Functional Capacity Assessments, home modification assessments, and recommendations for assistive technology.

Kaely’s therapeutic focus includes:

– Gross Motor Skills
– Fine Motor Skills
– Play Skills
– Self-Care Skills
– Executive Functioning
– Sensory and Behavioural Support
– School-Based Skills, Including Handwriting

Kaely discovered her deep connection with children who have diverse needs during her undergraduate studies, which led her to pursue a career in occupational therapy. Outside of her professional life, she is an avid soccer player, earring collector, and adventure seeker.

Her dedication to her work, combined with a playful and approachable manner, makes Kaely a trusted partner in helping children thrive.