Dr Toon Ong

Dr Toon Ong

Dr Toon Ong


Dr Toon Ong is training with the Rural and Remote College of Australia and has completed both the ACEM Emergency Medicine Certificate and the ACRRM Advanced Specialised Training in Emergency Medicine.

Originally from Singapore, he graduated from the University of Adelaide in 2019. He spent 2020 and 2021 working in rural South Australia, particularly across the Eyre Peninsula, before relocating to Tasmania in early 2023. Since then, he has worked as an Emergency Department registrar at the Royal Hobart Hospital and has also completed terms in Intensive Care and Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

In addition to general practice, Dr Ong continues to work part-time in the Emergency Department at the Royal Hobart Hospital.

Outside of medicine, he enjoys swing dancing.

Specialty interest areas

  • Emergency and critical care
  • Children’s health
  • Chronic health

Available for appointments

Working in Cygnet Thursday + Friday and Huonville alternate Mondays and Wednesdays

Languages spoken

  • English
  • German
  • Mandarin

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