Dr Nurman Noor

Dr Nurman Noor

Dr Nurman Noor


Dr Nurman (pronouns: he/him) has lived in three different countries prior to moving to Australia to study medicine. He graduated in 2012 from the University of Wollongong Graduate School of Medicine. He worked in Sydney for 3 years including a year in Critical Care. Enticed by the beauty and lifestyle of Tasmania, he started General Practice training in Tasmania and gained his Fellowship in 2019. He is a member of the Australian Institute of Dermatology, having completed training in 2017.

Dr Nurman is a Medical Educator for General Practice Training Tasmania and has been involved as a supervisor for medical students and junior doctors.

In his spare time, Dr Nurman enjoys hiking (particularly waterfall chasing) and being creative in the kitchen creating culinary concoctions.

Languages spoken

  • English

Practices at

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