Dr Rochelle Venturi

Dr Rochelle Venturi

Dr Rochelle Venturi


Dr Rochelle Venturi graduated from the University of Queensland in 2011. She worked at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital during her junior doctor years. She completed her General Practice Fellowship training in 2016. She recently moved to Canberra from Brisbane, with her husband who is a serving member of the ADF, and 2 young children.

Dr Venturi enjoys all aspects of General Practice and particularly enjoys looking after families. She has completed a Diploma of Child Health (DCH) and has a Certificate in Women’s Health. At this stage Dr Venturi does not insert IUD or Implanon. She does do Iron infusions.

In her free time she loves podcasts, reading, cooking and going on adventures with her family.

Specialty interest areas

  • Women’s health
  • Children’s health
  • General practice

Languages spoken

  • English

Practices at

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