Fee increase on ACT private consultations

Ochre Medical Centre Kingston

Fee increase of $7 on all private consultations from Monday 5th August 2024 to cover additional regulatory and compliance costs in the ACT

Regulatory changes in the ACT have meant our costs have increased. Ochre Health and the ACT doctors who contract us for support services have agreed to increase fees to meet these additional costs. As of Monday 5th August 2024, fees on all private consultations (consultations not bulk-billed) have increased by $7 to cover these additional regulatory and compliance costs.

We will continue to monitor the ACT regulatory and compliance landscape and we will reduce fees if and when these regulations no longer apply.

What are private consultations and how are they different from bulk-billed consultations?

Private consultations are all consultations for which a patient is charged a fee that is higher than the Medicare rebate. Bulk-billed consultations are those for which a patient is not charged any “out-of-pocket” fee. The $7 fee increase applies to all private consultations and not to any bulk-billed consultations.

Does the $7 fee increase also apply to telehealth consultations?

Yes, the $7 fee increase applies to all private consultations, whether they are in-person or telehealth consultations. The fee increase does not apply to bulk-billed telehealth consultations.

How has the $7 fee increase been calculated?

The $7 fee increase has been agreed by doctors following a consultation process to assess the impact of the regulatory changes. The fee increase only relates to additional regulatory and compliance costs in the ACT and does not directly benefit Ochre Health or your doctor.

Why is this an issue now?

Regulatory requirements in the ACT have been evolving over several years. Ochre Health has sought, where possible, to absorb these costs to minimise the impact on the doctors we support and their patients.  This, however, is no longer sustainable.

Is the $7 fee increase fair in the current cost-of-living crisis and what can you do?

We share patients’ concerns about cost-of-living pressures and we have explored a range of options to address the increased costs, including lobbying the ACT Government to remove or limit these increased regulatory and compliance costs.  Our efforts have not been successful to date and, to maintain the same standard of support to doctors and the quality of care they provide, these additional costs need to be passed on.

Ochre Health stands with doctors and general practice operators around Australia in pushing to keep health care as affordable as possible. If you would like to support medical practices and your doctor on the issue of health care affordability, we urge you to contact your local Member of the ACT Legislative Assembly to express your comments or concerns. Click here for a list of Members and their contact details.