
Dr David Baker

FRACGP, FACRRM, FARGP, Grad Dip (Rural Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health)

Dr Baker graduated from the University of Queensland in 2000 before completing his general practice training in various ...

Dr Paul Baker

BMBS, PhD, BSc (Hons), DipAppSci

Dr Baker completed his medical degree in 2012 at Flinders University in South Australia, before completing his intern ye...

Dr Baker graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine at the University of Newcastle, worked at Tamworth Base Hospital. Dr Bake...

Dr Jonathan Bala


Dr Jonathan Bala received his M.B.B.S. from the National University of Singapore in 2005. He completed various hospital ...

Dr Ballesty graduated with Distinction from the University of Newcastle in 2011, having spent two years of her training ...

Dr Kula joined the team in January 2023. Previously Dr Kula worked as a GP in Cobar NSW and as a Medical officer at Cair...

Dr Peter Barker


Dr Barker completed his medical degree at Monash University, Melbourne in 1980, going on to complete his internship at B...

Dr Barrell attended Sydney University, graduating in 1984. Following this, she went into General Practice from 1986, wor...

Dr Lolitha Basnayake

MBBS, Dip (Child Health), Dip (Chronic condition management), FRACGP

Dr Basnayake is an experienced practitioner who graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery in 2009 in Sri Lanka....

Dr Giselle Bell


Please note that Dr Bell is not currently taking new patients. Dr Giselle Bell (She/Her) studied Medicine at James Cook ...

Dr Mark Bell


Dr Bell completed his medical training at the University of Liverpool in 1998 and subsequently undertook several hospita...

Dr Kate Bendall


Dr Bendall is a Tasmanian, who studied at the University of Tasmania in Hobart and Launceston Clinical Schools. She grad...

Dr Mrunmayee Bhalerao


Dr Mrunmayee “Mrun” Bhalerao is a fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. She completed he...

Dr Michael Boissezon

MBBS (Hons) Monash, Master Occ Med (Monash), Dip AvMed (Monash), DAME (CASA), MRO (AMROA), AHP (National Rail), AMA (RSHQ)

Dr Michael Boissezon is a general medical practitioner with post graduate training in General Practice, Aerospace and Oc...