Weight loss clinic

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Weight loss clinic

We offer personalised, medically supervised weight loss programs tailored to help you achieve lasting results. We work together with you to create a comprehensive plan that addresses your unique health needs and goals. From nutritional counselling and exercise guidance to advanced medical treatments, we provide a safe and effective approach to weight loss.

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Olika Medical Weight Loss Clinic


Olika is a doctor-supervised, non-surgical weight loss clinic that provides the latest evidence-based medical weight loss treatments in a caring and supportive environment.

We are here to support you on your weight loss journey. As a metabolic medical weight loss clinic, we are fully dedicated to helping you achieve a healthy weight. Our mission is to offer consistent, non-judgmental support as your medical weight loss partner, ensuring you adhere to your customised weight loss plan.

Dr Sharmila Sambandam is the Clinical Director of Olika Medical Weight Loss Clinic. She is a Canberra based Bariatric Physician.

Dr Sambandam studied medicine at ANU and has extensive experience in obesity and weight management. She blends her expertise as a GP with her specialist interest in preventative medicine and weight loss, to bring a unique model of care to her patients.